
The Importance of Food Safety

By Farhia I. (Form 1) Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation and storage of food in ways that prevent food-borne illnesses. In various parts of the world, especially in rural areas people do not practice food safety. In such places street food trade is developing

August 30th, 2018|

Keeping The Love Tank Full

By Irene M. (Form 1) It has been proven that many teenagers tend to keep the love tank full by engaging in irresponsible behaviors. When they feel that the love they get at home is not enough, they seek attention from somewhere else. In the process, they meet

June 25th, 2018|

Daraja girls take leadership skills acquired at the Academy to their communities during school break

The work at the Daraja Academy doesn't stop when the term ends. During school break, the Daraja girls take skill sets and knowledge acquired from their studies to complete curriculum-related projects in their respective communities. Community Health Project: the Academy's Form 2s Learn to Analyze Their Surroundings to Create Positive Change In a partnership with

May 3rd, 2012|